Emily Myers
Beacon Member

A new Brooklyn transplant passionate about social justice and good conversations, Emily joined the Beacon hive in January 2020.

I’m a(n)…

reformed mime, alchemist, adventurer, musician, cheeseball, athlete, hustler!

I’m passionate about…

furthering social justice, good conversations, BOOKS, seeing new places and visiting old ones.

Briefly describe your work.

Hustle is a tech platform that allows unions, nonprofits, and progressive political campaigns to text their supports at scale without losing that person-to-person connection.

I support those clients to get up and running with Hustle, use it strategically, and then answer all their questions from big to small along the way.

What do you love about what you do?

I get to see amazing conversations that happen through Hustle, or the results of a nonprofit like Planned Parenthood tripling their fundraising revenue by texting supporters.

I also get to fulfill my childhood dream of being Nancy Drew (but on a computer) investigating and solving all manner of technological mysteries. πŸ™‚

How did you start (your work)?

I was working at a nonprofit in Brooklyn and the job/culture was sucking the life out of me, when a job opened up at Hustle that fit my experience.

It started as a joke, then turned into me really applying (my partner Tyler [also a BEAHIVE member] has been an engineer at Hustle since the early days). Also, it helped us escape Brooklyn and live in beautiful Beacon, which I wouldn’t trade for anything.

Where do you see your work going in the next year… five?

Working at a start-up, five years sounds like an ETERNITY. πŸ™‚ Even just this year there are big changes coming. I’m glad to be along for the ride, especially supporting democratic candidates for the upcoming election.

What do you like best about BEAHIVE?

Love the space and energy at BEAHIVE, especially being around a cool community of people. It fills in what I miss most about being in a real office.

What’s your favorite thing about the local community?

The people, even though I haven’t gotten to know folks yet, everyone is inviting and sounds like they are doing really interesting/important work!

Member Bzzz

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