Member Bzzz Interview: Menaka Iyer
A brand strategist and connector of ideas and people with a "very colorful career," Menaka joined the Beacon hive in early 2025. Keep Reading ➞
Member Bzzz Interview: Cidney Jones
A water resource engineer, foster/adoptive mom, hiker and rock climber ("and so much more"), Cidney joined the Newburgh hive in the fall of 2024. Keep Reading ➞
Say Hi to Our New Community Activator: Eli Walker
Eli is passionate about "curating playful social wellness and immersive storytelling experiences that spark belonging." She'll bring that passion to Beahive's programming and help Beahive run smoothly (for members and non-members alike). Keep Reading ➞
Say Hi to Our Community Ambassador: Lourdes Laifer
A life coach, Lourdes is passionate about helping people build skills and shift their mindset so that they can feel better about themselves. Keep Reading ➞
Say Hi to Our Community Ambassador: Valerie Brett
An actor/performer and online events producer, Valerie values creativity, community, and levity in her work and life... a good fit for Beahive!. Keep Reading ➞
Say Hi to Our Community Ambassador: Peter Rednour
An "adventurer looking for [his] next quest," Peter is passionate about "helping big and beautiful ideas get over the variety of hurdles the real world can throw at them.". Keep Reading ➞
Say Hi to Our Community Ambassador: Mark Roland
A self-described "nonconformist thinker," Mark is passionate about economics, energy, and the life cycle of civilizations... fluffy stuff like that. Keep Reading ➞
Say Hi to Our Community Ambassador: Bridget O’Neill
A career coach, executive recruiter, and storyteller, our Beacon ambassador Bridget is passionate about hearing other peoples' stories (among other things). Keep Reading ➞
Member Bzzz Interview: Josh Gleason
Member Bzzz
Josh translated his experience on the hit PBS series "Finding Your Roots" into a premium genealogy service. He joined the hive in early 2022. Keep Reading ➞
Member Bzzz Interview: Leigh Wasserman
Member Bzzz
One of the things marketer and content creator Leigh is passionate about is archery (!). She joined the hive in September 2022. Keep Reading ➞